Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's Over!

Wow. I literally could not be happier for this year to come to an end.

It was rough. I am sad to say I waded my way through a lot of sticky patches this year. And sadly, school was really getting to me. Arriving every day was just a burden. And I really do blame a lot of that on myself. I don't think I looked at this year with the right attitude. But next year, I'm not going to have that problem. No sir, that is not going to happen. I made that commitment on monday, and I've already started training.

And, confession. I'm actually really shy. And getting out of my comfort zone to say hi to more people has been really weird, and pretty hard. But it's like, I haven't regretted it once. Every time I'm like, I can't do this, I just think about [see like...2 posts previously] and I'm like, I can do this. It's weird. And it's not generally something somebody would freak out about or think is hard. But I feel good. I feel like if I keep it up, next year will be the best year of my life.

Here is why I think that. Confession 2: I actually really, really enjoyed 8th grade. Something about it. Every even year since middle school (so 8th and 10th...not much but yeah...) has been perfect. So I'm pretty sure that next year is going to rock. I really think I'm going to go crazy. I want to do everything I've said I'm always going to do. Prankster things. People, I want to stay over night in the school. I want to have a good senior prank. I want Uncle Toddy to know me, by name, and not for a good reason.

I've just got so many hopes and dreams! Haha I hope any of you people who read my blog will want to help me out in this. Cuz honestly, I'm lost without my friends :) You guys are great.

So, I've got an entire summer to live it up! To regain all of my lost school spirit and get me all pumped back into "Kaela is going crazy!" mode!

So, to prevent this post from being crazy long, I'm going to write a year in review...separately. If you desire, go read it. If not, thanks for reading this :) It's been quite the year.

Love you all!


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