Friday, January 7, 2011


I have many guilty pleasures, it's true. And as I was talking to my friend today, I realized something. If there is one thing I love in this world more than bacon, it is shoes.

Think about all the different kinds of rubber and cloth you can use to style your feet! I have a goal, that by the end of this year I will own at least one pair of each brand of shoe I so desperately want. Which means I need to get a job, or some really rich friends.

Here is a sneak peak of some shoes you will (hopefully) see me sprout onto my feet this year.


These are just the kind I've had my
eyes on. But the possibilities for
Vans are really endless!

Keds are beyond


You can never go wrong with
high tops.
These are just beast.


These are just retro.
Everyone in the 80's had some.
Maybe not everyone.
But still, they should be brought back.

PF Flyers
I didn't even know about these
until Aubrey Glazier told me about them.
And since I'm a sucker for
really cool shoes...
They've made the list.


Not only are these super comfortable
but every pair you buy they give
one pair to a child in Africa!
Or something...

Shape Ups?!
Okay, I know how controversial
these are. But I swear, they are so
comfortable you wouldn't even
believe it. Plus wearing them is a
work out. Every day.

Let's be honest. I love Nike shoes.
They are my guilty pleasure. If I
were a guy, I would wear these all
day, every day.
These shoes are so
don't even know.

And now...ladies and gentlemen...for the grand finale...

Microwaveable Cozy Boots
It's simple. You stick them in the
microwave for 2 minutes.
They warm your feet for
2 hours.
These are slippers...
on steroids.
If you were ever looking for
happiness and just found it.


Rachel said...

Toms...are amazing. but don't you get those pink sparkly ones!!!! I want them so bad. hahahaha
Shapeups are naaaaaaasty. i'd rather wear 6 inch heels than those. haha (: and i'm concerned that you found those last pair of shoes...
ps..for the part where you said "which means i need to get a job, or some really rich friends" more like you need to get some really rich friends who will actually buy you things hahahaha (:

Yon Soo Park said...

You know what I want? Those microwaveable cozy boots...My feet are so cold right now!